• Wed. Mar 12th, 2025

New Grittier Fresh Prince Reboot Raises Eyebrows

ByPhil Collins

Feb 22, 2022

If you haven’t been made aware of this just yet, some incredible news for you! The much beloved and iconic 90s series The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air is getting the reboot treatment. This could be good news or bad news, depending on where you currently fall in this schism between fans. Some believe that this reboot will bring back all the characters and themes we loved in the 90s with grace and poise. But others are voicing concerns that the reboot will lose the charm of the original.

One particular aspect that is raising many eyebrows is the new reboots much heavier focus on the dramatic themes than the original. For those who don’t remember, the original Fresh Prince of Bel Air series brought heavy themes and narratives together with light hearted scripting and emotive character interactions, which many fans credit with its success as a show. The concern with the reboot is that this new focus on the darker, gritter aspects of Will’s story will leave little room for the humour and satire that made the show as amazing as it was.

The reboot, named only as Bel Air, will reintroduce new actors in all of the starring roles from the original, including Uncle Phil and Aunt Vivian, Carlton, Hilary, Ashley, and, of course, Will himself! The reboot will also bring back fan-favourite supporting characters like Geoffrey, Jazz, and romantic interest Lisa.

Seeing a newer, more serious version of their favourite Bel Air characters has given some fans pause, and as the show approaches its fourth episode, many are questioning whether the reboot is keeping faith with the original series. One particular character change, in Carlton, has caused much concern. Carlton was an absolute fan favourite in the original, known for his peppy but somewhat condescending approach to life. His replacement, a toxic, prideful prep boy, is looking set to act as Will’s nemesis through the series, rather than fostering the endearing love-hate relationship between the cousins the original brought us.

Much food for thought here for fans. Will this new reboot be a faithful retelling of a classic beloved tale, or will it be a disastrous cash grab trying to gouge profits from our childhood memories? Only time may tell.