• Wed. Mar 12th, 2025

Counterfeit VS. Authentic Sneakers: Our Thoughts

ByPhil Collins

Mar 2, 2023

Real vs Fake sneakers have been a controversial topic for years but today we are going to share our thoughts on the matter.

There is an obvious stigma around purchasing counterfeit goods, not just sneakers. There are some counterfeit goods that can be joked about if the brand name isn’t correctly spelled, or the design looks completely different from the genuine product. On the other hand, people who purchase identical items that aren’t authentic can be hated on for not buying the original design. With counterfeit goods becoming more and more convincing, are the £100+ actually worth it just so you can own the latest trends?

With online marketplaces like Aliexpress and SaraMart becoming viral through TikTok and Instagram, more people are ditching the brands for something more affordable, and they don’t have to worry about the styles going out of fashion. From Air Jordans to Louis V there’s nothing you can find nowadays on these apps.

While it’s a purchase rather than an investment we believe that treating yourself to a luxury good here and there is worth the money. But we also agree that you don’t always have to spend the big bucks to look on-trend. In more recent times, people are more fluid and unique with fashion and don’t always follow trends.

It’s not just counterfeit brands that are selling goods inspired by the real thing but also major fashion retailers like Primark and Zara are also joining in on creating pieces that are inspired by luxury clothes and shoe brands. From fake converse to dunks there are many brands that are partaking in the trends to allow anyone to join in no matter their budget.

It’s a very double-sided argument and everyone will have their own opinion on it, sneaker-heads out there will only buy the real thing, but the average person might just want to tap in and out of latest trends, so they don’t mind buying fakes.

What are your thoughts on the counterfeit vs authentic argument?

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